Lemurian Girl Returns

Amazing Fun Night on the Town – downtown Santa Barbara

My son is away on a fantastic Alaskan summer adventure.  Meanwhile, I'm in Santa Barbara enjoying some down time.  It was hard for about a day being without my little buddy…but then I got busy making progress with my “backlog”.  I guess that includes my social backlog.  Meaning, I don't get out that much when he's with me, so I've now had a chance to go out at night.  I intended to not overdo it, but it seems the Universe has timed me to be downtown Santa Barbara a couple of times.

Tuesday night I had dinner at Holdren's on State Street with my four lovely co-workers (NHR's marketing department is comprised 100% of foxy ladies – and 1 male VP).  I had the Seafood plate – Maine lobster, oysters, salmon and calimari.  That was delish.  I enjoyed a Sidecar drink and then 2 Peach mojitos.  Nice…

Then last night (Thursday) we went down to Camarillo to the outlets shops to allow our EMEA manager to get some shoes with her strong Euro buying power.  Afterwards we met at Joe's Cafe and I ran into my soul brother who I hadn't seen in some time.  He told me to meet him at EOS in 20 minutes.  My co-worker and I went on to O'Mallys, stopped in at the Brick Cafe for some late night dinner (french fries, pear salad and a glass of merlot) and some 1/2 funny 1/2 appallingly vile comedy.  Cruised on over to EOS and had the “Dax” at my bro's recommendation.  That is one clean way to get a buzz, I'll say that.

The ladies wanted to check Tonic and I wanted to stay longer at EOS so we split up.  I had a great time dancing and socializing, and then at last call we said our good-byes and L drove me home in his biodiesel Mercedes – sweet, clean machine – listening to the Black Keys, another excellent punkish/ska-ish/soul-ish band, and then Muddy Waters…sooooo sweet!  It was beautiful.  The heat lightening was going off as he drove me up my driveway.  We had a beautiful heart felt discussion about life and said our good-nights.

Thank you!

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