Author: Lemurian Girl

Lemurian Girl Returns
Authentic LivingBe HealthyMind & Mental Health

Rest and Sleep – Either Your Heaven or Your Hell

Top 10 Ways to Encourage Restful Sleep...Sometimes, when people are not well or are all tired out, they find they cannot sleep well at night. Sometimes the culprit is worrying - maybe subconscious worrying, i.e. you're not aware of the reason you feel anxious or worried because you've pushed it so deeply into your subconscious mind. Did your boyfriend not call you? Are you worried about someone else? 1. Create Sacred Sleeping Space. Make sure your bed is in a clean, quiet area of the house where you can darken the room or sleeping area from glaring lights. Put on good sheets (fitted and flat) with a high thread count that fit your mattress snugly.