My friend and clairvoyant reader Tahara has sent me this email and I wanted to share with my dear readers. She is a strong, amazing woman and I recommend her services/classes highly.
Blessings & Aloha,
Lemurian Girl
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From: <>
Date: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Winter Solistice, Eclipse
From: <>
Date: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Winter Solistice, Eclipse
Hello Everyone,
As 2010 comes to a close I wanted to express my gratitude to everyone I have had the privilege of having in class or seeing for a reading this year. Teaching intuitive classes and conducting readings is truly my passion and fills me with purpose and gratitude. If you are interested in taking classes, the next beginning Intuitive Self Healing Class starts February 28, 2011. I am available for clairvoyant readings in-person or over the phone anytime. If you book a reading before Dec. 31, 2010 their is a 20% holiday discount.
This Monday and Tuesday Dec. 20 and 21, 2010 are astrologically powerful. Tuesday morning at 12:13 AM starts a full moon eclipse visible from many parts of the world including California. The Winter Solstice is Tuesday and is exact at 3:39 PM Pacific Standard Time. I always meditate on the Winter Solstice to get a hit on the coming year but this year it seems to be an especially powerful time for connecting with the Earth and helping anchor in the increased vibrations coming to Earth at this time. My Clairvoyant Class will be conducting an Earth Anchoring Meditation Monday evening.
If you would like to conduct an Earth Anchoring Meditation of your own, anytime Monday or Tuesday would be sufficient. You can do this by yourself or in a group. Light a candle to represent love and light. Get in a quiet place, close your eyes, and affirm your intention to connect with the Earth. If you want to listen to a grounding meditation to help you connect to the Earth you can access one on the home page of my website Affirm your desire to be a channel of light; anchoring love, good will, and respect for the Earth onto the Earth plane. Allow this channel of light to move through your body, out your feet, and into the center of the Earth. Sit there bringing in this light for as long as you feel comfortable. Before concluding, communicate to the Earth anything you wish to and ask her to communicate anything she wants to you. Thank the Earth, thank your spirit, and open your eyes.
Happy Winter Solstice.
Wishing love and light throughout the year,
Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher
Applied Intuition – Healing Ourselves & Healing the Earth
Ph: (805) 961-3947
For more information on classes and readings visit: