Lemurian Girl Returns

Boycotting “Lightning in a Bottle” was Fun!

I'm new to Santa Barbara, California, so no actually, I knew nothing about the “Lighting in a Bottle” event.  Apparently, as I was informed, this event is like a mini-Burning Man.  Haven't been to one of those events either.  I heard about the event since 2000, just haven't personally gone to one.  Anyway, lots of good music, dance, art and speakers.  You know, the conscious revolution with “green” and “eco” being at the forefront of all that buzz.

I was highly recommended to go to the ‘LiaB' event here in Santa Barbara this Memorial Day weekend…and then the recommendation was revoked.  I was told that some local DJs and lighting experts were going shun the LiaB event and throw their own music dance party out in the woods.  It seems that some of the local residents are pissed about the “money, money, money” attitude displayed by the organizers of the event. 

Okay, well politics aside, I had a super fun time.  I didn't believe for one second that I would have fun – in fact I wanted to back out of the whole committment I'd made to even attend the stinking party because it was cold and late and my son was already asleep. 

My friend was all invested with her boyfriend in doing the lighting and my car was needed to transport all the people that could no longer fit in her car because it was so stuffed with equipment.  I couldn't back out.  So now I'm driving up a long ass windy road to the top and over a Santa Barbara mountain/hill at 11:30 pm.

Feeling the Flow – seeing all the stars lined up – the moon rising over the mountain – getting high on some hydro, meeting and talking to shaun – feelign the sweet syrupy energy of physical attraction between us – feeling good about it…meeting and talking to P.K. who had overdosed 2 weeksearlier – born and raised in SB.  Starting the night off by twice shotgunning the reefer with a cute darling girl “Amy”, who also turned out to be a super fly dancer as well – incredible moves! Wow.

Let's just say it was terrific.  Thanks Taymar! ( www.PixleyFlix.com )

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