Crafting a Waldorf Inspired Celebration for My 7-Year Old Wonder Boy
If you've never been to a Waldorf birthday celebration, they are wonderful, imbuing a sense of wonder and awe in most children I've ever met. It is seen as a very special time, one in which the children are poingantly focused and aware. It's beautiful. Long live Waldorf education! Wish Dante was starting First grade at an awesome Waldorf School...

July 4th, 2008 – Journal of Our Journey
Today is July 4th, 2008 and it's me and the little buddy housesitting today and tormorrow for our friends in Montecito. Ah, we've got the house to ourselves...it's difficult to leave - we've been grubbing around all morning and it's been very relaxing...but I feel myself longing for some YOGA...and coffee! So while Dante watches "Chip'n'Dale" on the 72", I'm researching weekend yoga getaways. And planning our schedule for today.