Lemurian Girl Returns

Day 2: Quantum Marketing eClass

Quantum Marketing Lesson 1

Definition of Quantum Marketing:  Unleashes a higher power in [my] life.  It applies the principles of Quantum Field Theory and Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity in [my] life.

Tom tells an amazing story about a most extraordinary encounter with a red-tailed hawk and the hawk's mate in the first assigned reading.  Gives me goosebumps.  Makes me thankful for my own encounter with the animal kingdom and the messages they have to deliver.

I like this: “My quantum marketing plan does not depend on work or long hours.  Those are not the keys to [my] success.”

Or how about the fact that this course of study is based on Quantum mechanics and the statement that because of these discoveries, we can now accept as fact that “There is no such thing as time anymore.  Time is now a space-time continuum.  Everything happens at once at the same place.”  Trippy, dude.

 Important Points, Notes, Thoughts on Lesson One

“If there is one super secret in life it is to pursue whatever you do with vigor and enthusiasm” – because of the struggles in my life, I have defintely had some committment issues to both myself and others.  I agree with this point – it takes enthusiasm to get going and complete something. 

Positive Self-Talk and Affirmation Resulting from Processing this Point of Learning:
“I am enthusiastic about starting, working through and completing this course. I am enjoying the energy of having accomplished my goal.”

Subtle, Coincidental or Accidental Changes – I've been warned that the changes at first might seem all of the above. However, I am encouraged to accept that synchronicity is real. Check.

“…if you withold yourself, real success will elude you.” – I kind of feel like this might apply to me, but only somewhat because I tend to be quite forgiving toward myself at times. I was not ready before to allow myself to become totally “unleashded”, I didn't have the life experience to know that really it is the only way out (through).

Since beginning the course yesterday, I do notice some subtle shifts in what I am thinking about, how big I am thinking.  I connected to a web site called www.LuckyNapkin.com and submitted a quiz to see if the idea I've had for a while can take me somewhere.  Who knows?

I'm still motivated today – the journey continues.

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