Lemurian Girl Returns

Do Prefer to WANT or HAVE?

If you've been listening to the Release Technique calls lately (even the free Wednesday night teleconferences), you'll discover there's a new emphasis on the 3rd way of releasing the three core wants, wanting approval (WA), wanting control (WC) and wanting safety and security (WS).  That is, to make a decision to let it go.

See, you can put your head down and let go of the feelings kinesthetically — it's not like it stopped working all of the sudden.  That's the first way to release.

The second way to release is to let go of wanting to “figure it out”.  Next time your mind is going around in circles, stop and witness yourself — are you trying to figure something out?  It's what most humans are caught up doing, so don't be suprised if you're part of the insanity.  You've got to stop and discern for a moment — you're asking your mind for an answer that it just doesn't even have stored anywhere in it's memory banks or anything.  Yet you keep going around and around, thinking it's going to solve something.  We all know the definition of insanity — “doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”  Apt.  So are you doing that?  Then as I like to kid, but I'm really serious “Shhhhtop it!” For Pete's sake, if the file ain't in the filing cabinet, why keep looking there over and over and over?  And when you don't find what you're looking for, you inevitabley start beating yourself (or someone else) up for not having an answer.  Instead, using the second way of releasing, you first you let go of wanting to figure it out, then you let go of disappoving of yourself for not having an answer and give yourself love and approval instead.

The second way works really well, if you're not too stuck in Pride to see that yourself perpetuating the insanity in your own brain.  A lot of us, even Releasers, think we're beyond something already, when really it's just us hiding behind Pride. Pride is a hide.

So now for the newly modernized and greatly emphasized third way to release — bringing it to one of the three wants and then making a decision, through discernment, to let it go.

What I mean by discernment, is first knowing that WANT = LACK.  Look it up in the Dictionary if you don't believe me.  Even though we've been wired to think that by wanting something we'll get it, this is false.  Just like you can't stand up and sit down at the same time, you can't want and have at the same time.

So you look at whatever want feeling it is and you identify it — is this me WA, WC or WS?  What I do, and it's greatly expedited my releasing, is to get a really visceral feeling of whatever the want is.  For a moment, I wallow and indulge in the wanting / lacking of approval, security or control.

Feels terrible — like crap, to be in wanting, as all of you well know.  I take a quick dip in the crap-bath just to have some sort of contrast with the opposite of wanting, that is, having. 

So then I look at having.  There are times I can pull up from my memory banks when I was totally in control and it felt awesome.  Times when I felt completely loving and loved, so freeing and empowering.  Not to mention moments of feeling 100% safe and secure.  It's like imprinting your mind first with what the wanting feels like and then with what the having feels like. 

The other way of doing this is to recall the way it feels after you let the wanting go.  Say you want control.  What's left after you let go of the want? Just control, all by it's self.  And us Releasers, we know what that feels like when just the control or approval or security is left, and the wanting is gone.  You just HAVE it. 

Either/or is fine.  Just get to the place where you can discern — “Would I rather WANT (WC, WA, WS) or would I rather HAVE control, approval and/or safety”.  I mean, at the point, it's kind of a no-brainer.  So can you let go of the wanting feelings, so you can have?

I hold in mind the havingness and I let all the wanting flood out of me kinesthetically or just simply by making that choice (the mind working as my helpful servant rather than vice versa).

Just thought I'd share.  Anyone else want to share their experience / results using the new way of releasing?


Posted via email from Freedom Blog – Release Technique Musings

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