Lemurian Girl Returns

Does a Code of Honor Among Women Really Exist?

Welcome to the Sister Code Project. Goddesses, Girlfriends, Sistahs, Sisters, BFFs. For any girl, life without lady friends would simply not be as much fun. Yet relationships between women folk are not always easy and fun. Drama can tend to come in and sour even the sweetest connections between two females.

There is probably a Psych term for this socio-behavior because I sense it is prevalent worldwide, from the slummiest slum to the loftiest tower. Please add the term to this page if you know it. Whether it's over a species of the opposite sex, or a perceived better lot in life, most women have experienced either being prey or prone to betrayal, backstabbing, jealousy and other negative words, thoughts and deeds by or to an earthly sister.

The purpose of the Sister Code Project is not to blame or shame each other, it's to shed light on and articulate the unspoken Code we women know is there, especially when that Code is violated. To my knowledge, this Code has never been written down all in one place in a format for all women (and men) to see and know.

By collecting feedback from you women, I hope we can put an end to the Denial that comes along with Code violations, and the blatant disregard of any wrong-doing, when in fact hurt is being caused whether it be intentionally or unintentionally. The Denial and Disregard are often more hurtful in the long run than the words and actions themselves.

While I ask for your stories, your insights and what the Sister Code means to you and your girlfriends, let's keep it on the up and up. I'd love it if you would share your stories, replacing actual names with fictitious ones to honor confidentiality and limit any mud-slinging spin offs ;) We can all learn from each other, as sharing fosters awareness, understanding and empathy and these in turn start to shift the paradigms, one woman at a time.

I have a couple of my own stories, yes, I've been on both sides of the fence.

Let's start by hearing from all of you wonderful, beautiful, bodacious, delicious, scrumptious women out there — what are your Top 3 Do's & Don'ts in your personal Sister Code of Honor?

I look forward to hearing from you and co-creating a resource of value to help shift perception and behaviors toward greater care, consideration and Aloha for my Sisters.


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