Lemurian Girl Returns

Excellent Children’s Books from our Goleta, CA Public Library

I have a knack for picking out exceptionally sweet children's books at the library.  I am a magnet for books with great stories and fabulous pictures.  Since I feel this is a talent that I have, I'm going to share with you my latest findings as they are discovered and borrowed.  Being a single mom working overtime, I don't alwasy get to enjoy the latest “adult” novels and books.  Yet, I love to read.  I satsifty my hunger for reading by hitting dual purposes – reading to my child, and enjoying books myself.  Children's books are the answer for now :)

Lemurian Girl's Pick List

  • The Woman Who Flummoxed the Fairies – Retold by Heather Forest, Illustrated by Susan Gaber
  • A Picture Book of Sojourner Truth – by David A. Adler, Illustrated by Gershom Griffith
  • Cupid and Psyche – As told by Charlotte M. Craft, Illustrated by K.Y. Craft
  • Beautiful Warrior – The Legend of the Nun's Kung Fu – Story and Pictures by Emily Arnold McCully
  • A Woman for President – The Story of Victoria Woodhull – by Kathleen Krull, Illustrated by Jane Dyer
  • Tibetan Tales for Little Buddhas – by Naomi C. Rose with a Forward by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

I'll summarize these stories maybe at a future date.  For now, just go borrow them and read them with your chitlins :)

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