Lemurian Girl Returns

Experiencing What It Means to Go Backwards in Life

Well, it's been a few months since the 90-Day program ended.  I cruised for about 2 1/2 months after, everything in life was just perfect, peachy, fun, bright and glorious. I got in and out of Mexico alive and well.   The only problem was, I stopped releasing as much.  I fell off the wagon so to speak.  And I was reminded yesterday while listening to Lester's talks on my iPod that things had already started to crumble and shamble around me again.  Life can be filled with such garbage if we don't take the trash out in our minds.  And I had stopped emptying the garbage and so I started to fill up with it again… You guessed it.  I got stuck.    Not to fear – the Wednesday night call is here! Larry and the teachers helped me tonight on the Wednesday night call get back on the wagon and it feels AMAZING! I am so glad I have this tool :)    It's all a lesson, right? Even if that's the only gift you can see in it in the moment, there is always the invaluable Lesson.  I'm glad that now I know, without a doubt, which direction is forward.   I also wanted to share the Release Technique's recipe for success with you:  

Recipe for Success…

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 08:11 AM PDT

Article Contributed by Christine Priorie from the Ultimate Happiness Secret Blog

     1 oz. Make a decision to order Abundance Course
     10 ea. Abundance Course CDs
     5 ea. Bonus CDs
     — Sprinkle generously with love


  • Upon receiving your Abundance Course materials open package and review materials.
  • Begin listening to first CD by placing in a player other than in automobile.
  • Enjoy introduction to the Release® Technique method and working with Larry Crane and Lester Levenson
  • Work on exercises thoroughly
  • Listen to bonus CDs
  • Stop as necessary and replay CDs to get a better understanding or to work through exercise.
  • Practice often
  • Keep gains
  • Continue with steps above until you complete CDs two-ten
  • Give love and approval to yourself on a regular basis
  • Have fun and enjoy having success in all areas of your life!


  • 1 ea. We offer a support line that is available to assist you with any questions.  (available Monday through Friday, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm PST)
  • 1 ea. We offer a weekly conference call – FREE    (available every Wednesday evening, no charge to participate    (8:30 pm EST / 7:30 pm CST / 6:30 MST/ 5:30 pm PST)
  • Calls also available on replay via phone or through computer link.  Although there is never a charge to participate in the live or replay calls, long distance charges may apply.
  • 12 ea. Monthly newsletters – filled with tips, success stories, gains, promotional material and more.
  • 1 ea. Website with live class schedules, gains, and other points of interest at www.lemuriangirl.com/rthome .
  • 1 ea.  Blog available at www.ultimatehappinesssecret.com .

Things to avoid while working this recipe:

  • Judging yourself and others
  • Frustration
  • Alcohol (all recipes in this series are non-alcoholic)

Tips for success:

  • We suggest participating in weekly conference calls so you can share your gains, ask a question, and practice releasing with other releasers. Participants include people from around the globe.
  • We also suggest enthusiastically reviewing the monthly magazines as they are a wonderful resource to assist you in your continued success.
  • Other things you can do to greatly improve your success and momentum is to attend live workshops and retreats.
  • We also cater to your entire well-being by offering additional materials to expand your success.  We offer books and other CD materials to help you achieve success in areas related to resistance, growth, relationships, health, and time management.
  • Results are experiential.  This course is scientifically proven and over 100,000 people looking to be successful have tried this method and are happy with the results.  The Release® Technique method is a skill that can be incorporated into all areas of your life.  If for any reason being successful doesn't fit into your lifestyle, you can return the Abundance Course with our 30-day money back guarantee.
  • Please order your Abundance Course now so that soon you too can begin enjoying a life filled with success!  Please go to our website at: www.lemuriangirl.com/rthome .  You'll be very happy that you tried this recipe for success! 
<a href=”http://releasetechnique.directtrack.com/z/186/CD1333/”><img src=”http://releasetechnique.directtrack.com/42/1333/186/” alt=”to discover the True Power Of Love” border=”0″></a>


Posted via email from My Experience Learning Lester Levenson's Release Technique

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