Lemurian Girl Returns

Happiness!! You are loved!

Simple reminders to give you daily strength… ~Aloha~ Lemurian Girl


3:01am May 31

I don’t know of anybody who may not be willing to be happy. Everybody in the world is seeking happiness. How many are finding it?
To be honest, very few. Why?


In this context let us examine what Ralph Waldo Emerson had said
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”


That means, instead of looking for happiness, we have to look inside us and make changes within us. Then happiness will seek you.
About fifty percent of our happiness is fixed by our genetic factors. We do not have control on it, as of now.
10% of our happiness is due to circumstances in our life, on which we may or may not have control. 40% of our happiness is due to behavioural influences, which are under our own control. This is the area where we can work on. It is about strengthening some of our habits till we start to live those habits. It needs at least six weeks of diligent effort on a particular habit, to make them part of our life trait.


1. Learn to appreciate what is around us.
2. Find things in our life for which we are to be thankful for. We have many. Find what we have and not what we don’t have. Be grateful for what we have got.
3. Find what we can do for others, to make their life easier. A small act of support, a word of appreciation, love or kindness. We can do it.
4. Be with family and happy friends in happier atmosphere.
5. Keep off from gossip, blame culture. They drain out energy and are contagious.
6. Practice forgiveness and acceptance.
7. Look after your health. Health is wealth. Control stress.
8. Believe in God. Have a feeling that we have the support of an almighty power, within us and around us, always.


God bless you. Have a great day, friends.


Posted via email from Lemurian Girl

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