Lemurian Girl Returns

July 4th, 2008 – Journal of Our Journey

Today is July 4th, 2008 and it's me and the little buddy housesitting today and tormorrow for our friends in Montecito.  Ah, we've got the house to ourselves…it's difficult to leave – we've been grubbing around all morning and it's been very relaxing…but I feel myself longing for some YOGA…and coffee!  So while Dante watches “Chip'n'Dale” on the 72″, I'm researching weekend yoga getaways.  And planning our schedule for today.

Here's what I've got:

Movie matinee“Wall-e” the robot – let you know how we liked it

S.B. Symphony plays at the Courthouse Sunken Gardens 5pm, 898-9386 – info courtesy of SBparent.com

Fireworks at 9 pm at the Pier/West Beach – to watch or not to watch, that is the question?  The SB News-Press notifies us that “Heal the Ocean” has issued a statement and had their attorney send the Mayor and the pyrotechnics company that is supplying the fireworks that setting the fireworks off over the ocean in fact violate the Clean Water Act.  Read the blurb from the News Press here.

Tomorrow, Dante wants to visit the Santa Barbara Zoo, so we'll get an early start on Saturday. 

Perhaps later we'll venture up to Sunburst and camp for the evening if they are cool with that.  Then I'll get my yoga/nature/community needs met for the weekend, surely! It's nice to get up early in the morning with plans and actually go ahead and carry them out.

Oh yeah, I started a new community on Ning called “Putt Putt Moms“.  It's a community for single or practically single mothers.  Check it out.  I'm going to make this experience of single mamahood work for me somehow, even if it is through laughter and poking fun at our sometimes unfortunate position in life.

Enjoy your day beautiful loves…Z ‘n' D

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