Lemurian Girl Returns

Lester Says Happiness is Our Natural State

This week on the Ultimate Happiness Secret blog, Christine Priorie writes how Lester Levenson insisted that Happiness in the Natural, Inherent state of every person. 

You know my mind has something to say about that.  The first thing, and I know this is going to sound a little odd to those of you that view me as this liberal, progressive, anything goes type person (I'm actually anything but).  Here goes anyway — some people are part evil demon.  The Release Technique does not go into this arena AT ALL.  I'm pulling this directly from my evangelical Christian influences (at least I'm honest).  But please, hear me out. 

Don't you agree that some so-called “people” are so heinous in their crimes against humanity and the environment (the environment meaning Mother Earth — lol, that's my Pagan/Celtic roots speaking up now :) that they could not possibly qualify as a human being???

I know some of you have something to say about that — so speak up!  I'm DEAD serious, these creatures with human bodies are “wolves in sheeps clothing” or in my imagination, demon spawn.  We'll see in the last days how it all pans out.  I didn't mean to divert attention from the matter at hand — and that is, for most human beings (the ones that aren't demon spawn), Happiness is our natural state.  That might be hard to believe because so many of us spend so much time trying to get happier that it seems like it's this elusive thing we have to chase after.  What if it's really not?  What if you have an inexhaustible, infinite wellspring of the stuff already inside you?  Wouldn't that be a novel concept? Better yet, wouldn't that feel amazing to experience? 

Here's what Christine has to say…

Happiness exists in everyone.  Happiness and love are your natural state of being.  All the happiness that you can possibly imagine exists within your very Self being right in this moment.  This is good news!  The happiness that we are seeking is right where we are says Lester Levenson, founder of the Release® Technique method.  We may mistakenly believe that happiness comes to us via people, places, or in things.  These beliefs cause us to look for happiness where it isn’t.  Anything we perceive as making us happy can only be enhanced once we know what real happiness is and how we can tap into this wonderful energy at will. If we are holding in mind happiness, joy, and gratitude our experiences will reflect this way of thinking.  Would you like to enjoy your life to a greater extent?  All that is required is for you to begin focusing your attention positively.  Being positive and happy at all times is easy to accomplish once you know how to see this for yourself.  Anything that you would like to have, do, or be is possible as we are all creative beings.

Abraham Lincoln said, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be!” What his comment refers to is “Life is a decision!”  Deciding to be happy is a good starting point.  Each decision we make, affects our life.  If we are focusing on prosperity, good health, being peaceful and having enough, we are creating these realities for ourselves.  If on the other hand, we are focusing on lack, fear, anger, etc. the outcomes that we experience will reflect these points of view.  The pursuit of happiness is a constant and focused determination to experience happiness and joy at all times.  One way to do this is to ask yourself, “Could it get any better?”  Would your relationships be more loving and joyful if this were simply a choice?  Perhaps in looking at your finances, would you benefit by having more abundance available to you?  Could you feel better about your health or weight, or the health status of others, if being healthier was simply a matter of making better decisions and looking at things in a different manner?  By making a point to look towards happiness helps us become aware that goodness is easily available.  By choosing to be happy, keeps us moving towards having and experiencing more and more happiness.  When we are looking at happiness, it is like a beacon of light to an approaching ship.  It is pointing us in the right direction.  It is a focus.  When we focus on goodness, happiness, and being positive, we begin to experience these realities.  We find happiness by looking within ourselves, which is the only place where happiness exists.  By changing our focus, we find that YES we can have, do, or be whatever we would like to experience, as happiness, is simply a decision. So in case you missed it, happiness is an inner knowledge that leads to our being successful and at peace.

When we focus on what’s right in any given situation, we are exuding confidence and gratitude.  We are making a point of noticing goodness wherever we happen to be. We are also welcoming more of these positive situations to appear within our lives. The Law of Attraction states, positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative.  If we are determined on experiencing positive outcomes in all situations, we are tapping into our God-given gifts and resources by looking at happiness where it is.  We all have beliefs that say, we can’t or shouldn’t have something because…  The “because…” (fill in the blank), is simply an excuse.  An excuse is a conditioned response within our belief system.  Happiness is our real and natural state.  Once we know this, we can easily challenge ourselves to look for happiness where it truly exists.  Happiness is simply removing our non-loving and limiting feelings (such as excuses) and developing an awareness that we can be happy, without sorrow, by deciding that’s what we would like to experience.

Lester Levenson and Larry Crane have been teaching the Release® Technique method for over a half-century.  Their work easily demonstrates that anyone can be happy because it truly is our basic nature.  Once we learn to see what limitations and excuses that we are holding onto we can begin to release these limitations.  Quite simply, happiness is you without sorrow or regrets.  By removing your non-loving thoughts and feelings (such as guilt, fear, stubbornness, anger, etc.) you’ll find that you are actually happier and lighter. 

Read more on the Ultimate Happiness Secret blog.

Onward and Upward,

xoxox LemurianGirl

Posted via email from Freedom Blog – Release Technique Musings

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