Lemurian Girl Returns

Polygamous family spotted in Portland, Oregon

Trippy, trippy, trippy… Ever seen a live polygamous family strolling down the street before? I just did… In the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon. Man about age 47 had three wives and some kind of female escort with him. All wives wore matching little house on the prairie style dresses, dirty blonde hair pulled back into buns covered with sheer white bun caps. One of the wives struggled to keep up, walking behind her so called “husband”. No wonder, she looked about 13 years old. Oldest “wife” looked in late 20's. WTF? How are these guys getting away with marrying/f*@king 13 year old girls? Isn't that statutory rape?

I believe people should be able to do what they will – as long as it does not hurt children. I guess FLDS members are mostly brainwashed and inbred though, so their definition of what it means to hurt a child might be slightly skewed.

Dear God, please wipe this ignorant treachery from the earth.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from Lemurian Girl

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