Lemurian Girl Returns

Refresh & Renew for the Holidays

As the linear holidays appear upon your horizon, it is important to realize why they are special moments.

     Perhaps feeling into what you do have,  instead of longing for more, is an important view point.

     The linear offers challenges.  Yes.  However, it is important to recall your ability to rise above them is within your grasp.

     Deciding to reconnect with LOVE and loved ones even though there may be disagreements is important.  Be the more calm energy, attempt to reach out to those who are finding it difficult to participate.

     Immediate success with those individuals may not be readily available.  However, your intentions to resolve imbalance will be of great comfort to your own soulful energy.

     Appreciate others for who they are, and not what you expect them to be.

     Fill yourself with joy with the desire to share it with others.

     Be thankful for the opportunity to refresh your life.  Breathe deep and become comfortable within your self.

     Holidays are an opportunity to renew your commitment to your relationships and way of life.

     Decide to be joyful while walking down that path.

     Refresh and renew your spirit.

     NOW is the time.

     You are the only one with the keys to that door.

     Unlock it and REnew.

Posted via email from Lemurian Girl

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