Hi Friends!~
It's a beautiful day in Arcata, California and I'm loving my beautiful summer backyard – I've included a photo of my lovely nasturtiums growing like weeds. I have a gorgeous array of plant life blossoming now – flowers – gladiolas, hydrangeas, rose, rose-geranium, the aforementioned nasturtium and some others whose names I don't know.
My vegetable garden boxes are booming with my favorite greens – Swiss chard, Kale, Collards, Broccoli and lettuce. It's my first year having a successful garden that we can actually eat out of, and it's just a wonderful feeling to go outside and pick our dinner. Not to mention Delicious…and healthy! Here's to a sustainable future.
As many of your know, my profession is eco-friendly internet marketing, and lately I have several clients in the healthy food genre. It all started when Book Publishing Company (BPC) – an independent bookseller that specializes in publishing Raw Books and Vegan Books – signed on with me last September.
Thomas Hupp, my contact there, blessed me with not 1 but 10 beautiful, easy to follow yet exquisitely delicious vegetarian, raw and vegan cook / recipe books. Look out for upcoming reviews on these wonderful raw and vegan recipe books on those from me coming soon!
Thomas also introduced me to one of their star raw book authors – Jenny Cornbleet. She wrote "Raw Food Made Easy" and more recently "Raw for Dessert".
Needless to say, I've been inspired. Since my adolescence I've known about veganism because many of my friends were vegan (before it was hip!) – but I personally never had a specific desire to go in that direction… Until now, that is. Now that I'm, ULP, getting older – and being as VAIN as I am about my youthfulness and vitality, I realized that the old cooked food diet just ain't cuttin' it right now. I want the Raw Food eaters GLOW, darn it.
It's time to be honest with myself and admit that I'm not seeing that super-glow when I look in the mirror. Even though I've always eaten healthy, organic food and drink clean, pure water... Still, I must admit…
Soooo…anyone out there living the Raw food diet got any practical tips and suggestions for me to break into this mode of eating and lifestyle? Anyone doing a 50%-50% Raw diet or any other way? I'm going to have to ease my way into this I think…