Lemurian Girl Returns

What Brings You Joy? Does Having Joy in Life Even Matter?

JOY ~ what brings you joy?


How do you experience joy?

Joy, as the energy of love, is one of the highest vibrations on this planet. According to the universal Law of Attraction, as we think and feel we vibrate. And as we vibrate, we attract. When we vibrate with joy and love, we attract what is for our greater good.

The experience of joy can:

  • strengthen your immune system.
  • regenerate your whole physical system.
  • burn away the impurities in your emotional system.
  • disperse worries, anxieties, grief, greed, irritation and other negative emotions.
  • sharpen your intellect and strengthen your memory.
  • clarify and balance your mind.
  • expand your consciousness and understanding.
  • open you to receive higher impressions, inspirations, and transforming energies.

Shared with me by my beautiful Sand -sistah ~ Muchas gracias.

Doe you feel there is  enough joy in your life? I'd love to hear from you ~ leave a comment below.